
A Pandora Update?

July 11, 2009
Posted by: Butterman

In one of craigixs craziest videos yet; after losing to gravity craig gives us a quick update on the situation of the next Pandora video and reassures us that he’s working hard at it.

(Pandora part starts at 4:54 if you’re in a hurry)


  1. crazy mofo! nice vid thx, though u do know its a crime to turn on a gadget still with the film attached! Peel it off now, quick!!

  2. lol i was specting some REAL pandora video xD

  3. coo

  4. There’s a lot of crazy videos on YouTube but I think Craigx takes the crown.

  5. And I thought I was the only one with consoles on my roof…

  6. I see this as a complete waste of time.

  7. “gives us a quite update on the situation of the next Pandora video and resasures us that he’s working hard at it.”

    -How hard is it too make a clear video of the damn Pandora, giving “reassurance” what do you mean by that, he is fighting a war with him self while holding the camera in one hand and filming, I mean c-mon, what loads of BS.

  8. You misspelled the word, “assures.”

  9. some of you people are way too serious… try to have some fun in your lives… that is primarily the purpose of the pandora… can’t see the forest for the trees, I guess…

  10. da fuk

  11. My god chill out. I think these are quite funny videos and craig has quite the sense of humor which is kinda nice because if offsets all the tight asses around here ^_^

    But really, come on the man is allowed to have fun with his project too. I’m sure theirs not much he can do right now anyway except wait.

  12. Funny video. Thanks for that! I’d rather you take another 2 months 😉 to get the video right than to throw out a crappy video about the new Pandora. And as long as I get my Pandora by Christmas, I’m good. (Mind you, I’d like it sooner but I can patiently wait…). I hope someone will make a video sometime of a lot of the WIP projects so we can get a glimpse of things to come. Thanks again for the update.

  13. That was amazing

  14. I’ll never get that bandwidth back 😦

  15. Rod Hull

  16. I’ve barred my GP2X from seeing this. I don’t want it getting any ideas.

  17. Actually – despite the tedious wait that’s driving me mad, this video was charming and fun.

  18. “I see this as a complete waste of time.”
    “I’ll never get that bandwith back.”

    I totally agree. However, seeing the pandora just working in those different environments was really sexy. I mean, it just looks so good… But tbh, I’d rather he didn’t spend his time being a retard that’s mildly funny/inventive and more time being an awesome console developer! I mean, he’s had our money for how long?

    He could’ve done ANYTHING with the Pandora, I mean, not only has the black one recieved little screen time, but he could’ve shown all the great ports being worked on, how SD cards are handled, ways of configuring the power save options, explained the wifi, showed off a bluetooth transfer, anything! He has a whole community packed with ideas…

  19. It might help to know it took me 5 minutes to film that ending, and another 2 minutes to edit it in.

    I was just going to leave it with me dead in the garden, but those unused Pandora clips were going to waste.

  20. ““gives us a quite update on the situation of the next Pandora video and resasures us that he’s working hard at it.”

    -How hard is it too make a clear video of the damn Pandora, giving “reassurance” what do you mean by that, he is fighting a war with him self while holding the camera in one hand and filming, I mean c-mon, what loads of BS.”


    Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? No? When? /head asplode

  21. Yeh, with regards to the comment about the Pandora looking sexy in all those environments – I think Craigx is just a big tease. I wonder if the final case is going to have a different sheen on it or texture though.

  22. A really nice video. Thanks Craig!

  23. Hell, I loved it. Thanks Craig!

    Damn teasers! 🙂

  24. it kinda amuses me that people really think they are holding out on us in terms of efforts. are you guys idiots?! i guessly GUFFAW at you. they wanted this project done ages ago and everyone is doing as much work as they can but sometimes, the jobs to do are out of your hands.

    of course, how DARE craig spend a couple of hours on a sunday kicking back and screwing around on his roof. how dare he spend a while editing together and making a hilarious vide. how dare he press “upload” to youtube and sit having a cup of tea whilst he waits. i bet a lot of you guys get offended at the fact any of them sleep.

    stop being assholes already.

  25. i guessly?! im sure i meant genuinely

  26. they are SLEEPING?

    damn it no wonder this is taking forever

  27. There’s a very thin line between being funny and being a cock.
    This stepped over that line.

  28. only your line can be so thin, mat

  29. Jesus! What do these naysayers honestly think craig can do at this point? It’s all in the hands of the factories & stuff, wtf. Do you guys think he’s hand-building all 4000 pandas or something? God forbid he lightens the atmosphere around here a bit. I’m honestly getting pretty sick of the constant stench of ass-hole around here.

  30. I thought it was pretty funny

  31. “they are SLEEPING?

    damn it no wonder this is taking forever”


    Seriously though there is nothing else he can do at this point and it really sucks that all you guys are giving him shit for trying to lighten up the mood a little bit.

    I thought it was funny. Keep it up Craig.

  32. You guys have to admit this is nice, though obviously not Pandora-finally-there nice.

  33. Hahahahaha very well done Craig 😀

    The bit where you were falling was very good cinematography IMHO.

  34. Love it! keep it up Craig.

    New game find Craig on goggle earth before the Pandora ships. 🙂

  35. Yeah its a WTF moment when you introduce another Chinese console on the roof, but hey, i laughed really hard.
    Thanks Craig

  36. “There’s a very thin line between being funny and being a cock.
    This stepped over that line.”

    Quite frankly your being quite the cock. A lot of people do not understand patience. I almost want to tell the guys to take their time because of all you nay sayers that need to learn how to chill the fuck out and enjoy the ride. Getting so tired of this? Then get a refund! I’m sure theirs thousands of others that would be more than willing to take your place. Don’t have a preorder? then quit bitching they don’t owe you anything.

    Excuse the language but seriously you guys really need to back off and enjoy a humorous video for what it is. Find something else to do in the meantime. Don’t just have Pandora be the only thing your looking forward to. It makes the waiting a lot easier.

  37. “I’m sure theirs [sic] thousands of others that would be more than willing to take your place.”

    They’re still taking preorders.

  38. OK when launching an unknown product to an unknowing public, these kind of teasers are valid

    THIS kind if teaser, is basically taking the piss out if the very people who are PROPPING UP this business venture is just stupid, and shows just how niaive Craig is.

    If you want to impress your ALREADY PAID customers, show them the actual product they have already bought and have been VERY patient in eating for

    sorry, but craig really had misjudged this one


  39. stop crying and grow a funny bone.

    he is reviewing other tech as he has done for ages and he is slotting in pandora stuff wherever he can because he knows we watch him like a hawk (and i expect for self publicity and to keep us excited. hell seeing how vivid that screen was in the car got me inappropriately excited!). if they make no videos we moan, if they make something we moan. i hope people shut the hell up when its all done

  40. He’s only misjudged its effect on people with no sense of humour or patience.

    I thought it was great.

  41. I agree with Callum. I think it would be unfair to call anyone unpatient if they’ve been waiting this long for a Pandora. This video was all about selling us another product and had no new information about Pandora. To me it seemed like he hadn’t even started because his been trying different “ideas”. All I really want to see is Craig trying out new software with the Pandora or basicly anything he can show us that cannot be typed in the forums.

  42. It’s a review people. He does sell other consoles aswell. Every video doesn’t have to be about the pandora. You’ll find he’ll do one about the pandora when he’s got enough time and when he has something new to show us but give the guy a break!

  43. I think craig is wanting to make sure the next pandora video is *right*.

    Look at what has happened with previous ones, he’s released a quick shot showing off a game running, and its gone round the tech blogs, then a week later when he has a proper video done, it gets ignored by all the tech sites because they’ve had their fill for the month.

    This next video will be *the* advertisment for pre-final pandora, and as craig and the gang have spent so much time and money getting the pandora right, they might as well advertise it as well as they can.

  44. ^ 100% agreed.

  45. The thing about humour – and this video did very little for me, personally – is it’s a matter of taste. It’s dissapointing when we aren’t all happy campers at every update, however insignificant, but IMHO it’s even worse when we turn on each other. We ALL have a right to our opinions and feelings. For example:

    “This video was all about selling us another product and had no new information about Pandora.”

    Personally, I think this video had nothing to do witht he Pandora OR us. It’s about something else Craig does. He’s inserted the Pandora into the video possibly as part of HIS sense of humour (being different to mine) but also probably as a more long-term bit of marketing – getting the Pandora in people’s minds all the time is half the battle OpenPandora face. By putting the Pandora in evey video he makes he may well be trying to increase awareness of the Pandora. That obviously won’t be aimed at us.

    We’re a little starved – possbily for information, but mostly for our goods – and we scavenge for any data even slightly related to the Pandora to sooth ourselves. So the blog team round up inconsequential little tidbits like this which aren’t REALLY Pandora news just to give us something to do other than hone our pitchfork and torch designs.

  46. I just watched the video for the first time and with no sound (work computer) and I was like 0_o WTF!?

    LOL, makes a little more sense after reading the comments. Can’t wait to watch it with sound tonight.

  47. ^


    That is the way it is. Marketing is becoming important now that people can actually buy this thing (almost).

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