
Assembled Pandora – Video

January 28, 2009


  1. God I want one so bad.

    Hopefully when the second batch orders start I’ll be able to order one.

    Keep up the great work.

  2. Need a favour, dear readers. 🙂 I’m blocked from Youtube at work and I’ll be darned if I’m waiting another eight hours to see this. I need the direct URL for the vid, so I can paste it elsewhere and download it. The embedded URL in this page (with the /v/ in it) is no good, I need the actual URL from the Youtube page. Halp!

  3. looks great! can’t wait to get my pandora.

  4. Ok, got it sorted. Thanks crew. 🙂


  5. So shiny!

    I really just can’t wait for the second batch 🙂

  6. Twitterix: “I hope we can demo a working Pandora in case in the next 24 hours. The youtube video is up of the case in action. Exciting times!”

    Yes they are, Craig. Yes they are.

  7. looks nice, even in the rough case, but I want to see it power on baby 🙂

  8. This is absolutely outstanding! Just the type of news I have been waiting to see! Things are really coming together now!

  9. Anyone else notice the SNES/Nintendo button order?

  10. Dang, that’s a huge battery. I wonder why there’s an SNES/Nintendo button format.

  11. Ah, well spotted Coud! I love how they do these things and then wait for someone to notice.

  12. Okay, I need to stop watching this video. I think I just hit 7 times.

  13. It’s like watching freshly born baby. It’s still dirty and ‘ugly’ while being the most adorable and cute at the same time.

    Am I too emotional about ‘the machine’? Well, I believe I’m not alone 😀

  14. Oh, happyness! Greate work OP-team, your (and the rest of us) dream are coming true!

  15. Yay! This is amazing!

  16. I want it so bad… I was so excited I fell of my chair…

  17. Will sellotape be the official method of holding the case together? 🙂

  18. Nice..
    Turn it on now ^^

  19. The FMD case, at last!
    *marks on checklist*

    Those firebuttons look pretty small. Are they the same size as the NDS ones? And the D-pad still looks pretty bland. Were all other designs already patented? Even the NEC one? I think it could have deserved a few edges. Or those little arrow-like triangles. Or a few lines like the Nintendo ones.

    I really wonder how they’re gonna turn these rubber keys into the shiny ones we have seen on the latest render…

    Since I won’t be putting my hands onto one for the next weeks, the looks are all I can be judging right now.

  20. The keys will have a hard, shiny coating applied on top. An earlier post has an example photo, type “final keypad finish” into the search box.

  21. Ooohh!! Yay!! So close, we’re soooo close. The D-Pad is different to the renders as well. I’m not sure which one I prefer. I kinda agree with the guy complaining about the pandora’s D-Pad/other inputs despite all his negativity.

  22. this is an on demand, no machine preparation/optimization on this thing, it looks like crap because it is just that, a simple return as quick as possible with unoptimized machinery.
    so stop complaining.

  23. It’s the most amazing, ugly thing i’ve ever bought!

  24. The final pandora will look MUCH nicer than that – it’s just to show as an actual real prototype.

  25. This is probably the most satisfying moment of the whole saga so far, been tracking from first pre-order and to see that little thing is just amazing. £200 quid well spent I think and will kick my eeepc into touch. Well done the whole team as I am sure non of us will understand the amount of dedication and effort thats gone into this project.

  26. *squee!*

    At least I’ve finally got my round tuits in order and reordered…

  27. okay since no one else is saying it I will. Dude demoing pandora totally wasn’t wearing any clothes! you can tell in the reflection.

  28. […] the year of the Pandora,” the design team behind the desirable open-source device has posted a new video of the now-fabricated and assembled unit. Though the current build is still missing its internal components, the team ensures those awaiting […]

  29. […] Assembled Pandora – Video […]

  30. […] portátil de código abierto Pandora está un paso más cerca de su debut, ya que el equipo de OpenPandora ha publicado un vídeo donde puede verse el diseño casi terminado. Vamos a ver que sabemos acerca de Pandora hasta la […]

  31. […] the year of the Pandora,” the design team behind the desirable open-source device has posted a new video of the now-fabricated and assembled unit. Though the current build is still missing its internal components, the team ensures those awaiting […]

  32. […] be the year of the Pandora," the design team behind the desirable open-source device has posted a new video of the now-fabricated and assembled unit. Though the current build is still missing its internal components, the team ensures those awaiting […]

  33. […] be the year of the Pandora," the design team behind the desirable open-source device has posted a new video of the now-fabricated and assembled unit. Though the current build is still missing its internal components, the team ensures those awaiting […]

  34. WTF was that? an empty box with nothing to show? Well done whoever came up with this idea. Woo hoo, how much is it? I’ll have 3 thanks. Oh, never mind, I already some empty match boxes. Just make it 1. Can I pay with monopoly money?

  35. Add some musiks!

  36. […] рассказывает Ars Technica. Участники проекта на днях опубликовали видео, где вроде как фигурирует реальная консоль. Posted in […]

  37. […] be the year of the Pandora," the design team behind the desirable open-source device has posted a new video of the now-fabricated and assembled unit. Though the current build is still missing its internal components, the team ensures those awaiting […]

  38. […] рассказывает Ars Technica. Участники проекта на днях опубликовали видео, где вроде как фигурирует реальная консоль. […]

  39. Любое искусство, особенно нетрадиционное, всегда вызывало ожесточенные споры. Думаю, оно просто имеет право на существование, вот и всё!

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